

Aug 18, 2023

Chicken Police

PlayStation Plus subscribers are buzzing about an intriguing title that seems to have been overlooked in the Extra games catalog. Known as Chicken Police- Paint It RED!, this narrative-driven detective game boasts a unique art style and a captivating storyline.

While it might be easy to dismiss this game if it were to be purchased separately, PlayStation Plus has succeeded in enticing players to give it a try. Users on Reddit have been praising the game, comparing it to the likes of L.A. Noire and Zootopia. They highlight the game’s generic yet enjoyable characters and note that it can be completed in just two days.

Despite some generic story points, such as the trope of a detective drowning himself in liquor and the appearance of a mysterious woman in the office, Chicken Police- Paint It RED! manages to deliver a compelling tale with a likable cast of characters. The black and white filter, although initially strange, becomes familiar, and the game immerses players in a city rich in history.

PlayStation Plus Extra subscribers have expressed their belief that this game is unfairly overlooked in comparison to other smaller titles on the service. Many appreciated its laid-back nature, allowing them to play and relax without the need for constant readiness.

Some players even enjoyed Chicken Police- Paint It RED! on platforms like Luna, finding it ridiculous yet fun. Despite its budget constraints, the game still managed to entertain and captivate players.

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 owners who are subscribers to PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium can access Chicken Police- Paint It RED! and embark on a unique and immersive detective adventure.